Ā mātou kōrero

Whānau Stories

New Windows Going In From The Outside
Whare Ora – preparing for Makariri
Funding remains available for whānau homes that require critical and essential upgrades. Find out if your whare is eligible.
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Andrea Shaw and her predecessor Paul Miller with Khobi Pere, a tauira of the He Toki Electrical course.
Paving the way for others – Mana Takata
A former Ōtākou kaik kid has made it her mission in life to ensure everyone has a fair chance at getting into quality employment.
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Toxic algae warning for Whakaehu Silverstream - once a place Kāi Tahu tīpuna would bathe in, today we are unable to access it.
Decolonising our awa
A new Otago Regional Council Plan, in partnership with mana whenua, looks to restore the mauri of Otago's freshwater bodies.
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Intergenerational connections etched on the walls of Tāhuna
The tenacity and strength of a famous Kāti Māmoe ancestress is celebrated on the streets of Tāhuna Queenstown through Kāi Tahu artworks.
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Group 1270

Kā mātāpono Our Values


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