Ā mātou kōrero

Whānau Stories

Manawhenua Panel
Manawhenua Panels
When working with partners to incorporate Kāi Tahu values into developments across the Otago region, it is important that Mana Ahurea fully understands the aspirations of manawhenua.
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Simon Kaan Artist
The Design Process
Mana Ahurea works with partners across the Otago region to incorporate manawhenua values and identity into new developments. This means being involved in the very early stages of the process, to influence the design process long before building begins.
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Aukaha May22 142 Min (9)
Employment Workstreams
General Manager of Mana Takata Chris Rosenbrock says that the Employment workstream is making a real difference for Māori and Pasifika across Otago.
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Group 1270

Kā mātāpono Our Values


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