Mana Taiao
We work with the five papatipu rūnaka of Aukaha to protect the mauri of the environment and support them to exercise their role as kaitiaki. We do this by providing professional planning advice on behalf of mana whenua in their role as treaty partners with councils and central government.
The work we do is guided by kā rūnaka through their mandated representatives, who work with us to ensure that the values and aspirations of mana whenua are reflected in planning processes and decisions.
Ā mātou ratoka Our Services
He mahi kaunihea
Working with councils
We facilitate the treaty partnership between Kāi Tahu rūnaka in the Otago and South Canterbury regions and the relevant local and regional councils.
Councils have a statutory responsibility to engage with Kāi Tahu on the development of plans, strategies and policies under a number of pieces of legislation.
We provide best practice planning, scientific and technical advice to embed rūnaka aspirations into these documents.
“There is a need for the work that Aukaha does... principally in bringing in the cultural values, connection, and the recommendations on how they develop their plans and policies and implement and administer resource consents.
Edward Ellison, (Ōtākou, Kāi Tahu) Chair,Aukaha Board of Directors
He mahi whakaaētaka taiao
We can consult with the relevant rūnaka on behalf of consent applicants who are seeking written approval for certain activities within the environment.
If you are applying for a resource consent, these documents will help you to understand the values, concerns and issues of mana whenua relating to resource use.
Please note that this will not replace the continuing need for direct communication and dialogue.
We strongly encourage applicants to consult with Kāi Tahu before lodging applications for consents if these are within an area of interest or where the work involves resources of particular interest to Kāi Tahu.
This includes, but is not limited to:
- Wai Māori/freshwater
- Ecosystems and biodiversity
- The coastal environment
- Areas shown as wāhi tūpuna on district plan maps
If you are unsure about whether you need to consult with rūnaka, please feel free to contact us and ask.
He mahi rautaki taiao
Plan development
Our work encompasses the natural and urban environments, ensuring that mana whenua values, knowledge and perspectives are recognised in the consultation and decision-making process when councils are developing policy statements and plans. We seek guidance from nominated rūnaka representatives and are involved with councils throughout the entire planning and plan review process.