Rakatahi of Aukaha

Our final instalment in our Rakatahi series features Korako Edwards, who is passionate about the environment and aspires to see his whānau Kāi Tahu, and Māori across New Zealand, taking a leadership role in terms of the protection and enhancement of our taiao.

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A lifelong connection

“One of my aspirations in the taiao space is to see our whānau Kāi Tahu, and Māori across New Zealand, really taking a leadership role in terms of the protection and enhancement of our environment.”  

For Korako Edwards (Kāi Tahu, Kāti Māmoe, Waitaha – Kāti Huirapa ki Puketeraki), working in the Mana Taiao team at Aukaha is the realisation of a longheld dream. He is passionate about the environment and says that from a young age he would answer “environmental scientist” when people asked what he wanted to be when he grew up. Korako has always felt a strong connection to his whenua and awa, and considers it a privilege to work to protect them in his role as Kaiārahi Taiao.  

As one of the rakatahi of Aukaha, Korako says he is grateful for the opportunity to work alongside such a supportive and knowledgeable team, and especially to learn from some of the rakatira who have been working to protect te taiao for many decades. He is committed to doing what he can to build upon their legacy and encourage even more whānau to join the cause.  

 Aukaha is driven by the aspirations and values of mana whenua to provide pathways for the new generation of local talent, enabling them to thrive and achieve success in their career paths. 

Watch Korako’s story, as he shares with us his passion and commitment to the restoration and protection of te taiao.  

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