Brett is an experienced executive across the iwi commercial sector, having spent over 10 years in senior roles across the Ngāi Tahu Holdings Group and Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu – focusing on their seafood and property sector, and Crown relationships and Settlement rights. He was formerly the GM for Business Development at Ngāi Tahu Property.
Brett is an Investment Manager with Koau Capital Partners and supports the property activity of various iwi, and acts as investment manager for the Hāpai property collective – an iwi owned and governed property vehicle with a focus across the commercial, development and housing sectors
Born and bred at Ōtākou, and a graduate (BA, MA) of the University of Otago, Brett is a Director on Eke Panuku Limited, the Auckland Council-controlled organisation that delivers urban regeneration in Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland. He was also a director on Rangitāne Holdings, and chairs Te Rūnaka Ōtākou Ltd.