Our board

Terry Nicholas

Board Aukaha 2021 Terry Nicholas

Terry Nicholas

Hokonui Rūnanga

Terry has been actively involved in community work since 1989 and serves as an executive member of the rūnanga. Terry works for the Hokonui Rūnanga Health & Social Services Trust, is the treasurer of Hokonui Rūnanga Incorporated and has been the Hokonui Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu representative since 1999. He also serves on the Audit and Risk Kōmiti and the Corporate Governance Kōmiti.

Terry’s focus is to ensure that the Hokonui Rūnanga can serve its members and the wider whānau and community by protecting and enhancing Hokonui’s spiritual, cultural, organisational, educational and economic aspirations. Terry is married with two teenage children.

Remaining board members

Edward Ellison 2022

Edward Ellison

Chairman – Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou
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Team Aukaha 2021 Juliette

Juliette Stevenson

Te Rūnanga o Waihao
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Trevor Mcglinchey

Trevor McGlinchey

Te Rūnanga o Moeraki
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Philip Broughton 2

Philip Broughton

Kāti Huirapa Rūnaka ki Puketeraki
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Aukaha Loretta Love

Loretta Lovell

Independent Board Member
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Mike Collins wearing blue blazer and blue shirt standing in front of a blank background

Mike Collins

Independent Board Member
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Group 1270

Kā mātāpono Our Values


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