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New Windows Going In From The Outside

Whare Ora – preparing for Makariri

Funding remains available for whānau homes that require critical and essential upgrades. Find out if your whare is eligible.

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Andrea Shaw and her predecessor Paul Miller with Khobi Pere, a tauira of the He Toki Electrical course.

Paving the way for others – Mana Takata

A former Ōtākou kaik kid has made it her mission in life to ensure everyone has a fair chance at getting into quality employment.

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Toxic algae warning for Whakaehu Silverstream - once a place Kāi Tahu tīpuna would bathe in, today we are unable to access it.

Decolonising our awa

A new Otago Regional Council Plan, in partnership with mana whenua, looks to restore the mauri of Otago's freshwater bodies.

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Intergenerational connections etched on the walls of Tāhuna

The tenacity and strength of a famous Kāti Māmoe ancestress is celebrated on the streets of Tāhuna Queenstown through Kāi Tahu artworks.

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Riani Screenshot Three

Rakatahi of Aukaha: Riani Iti-Metuatai

Riani Iti-Metuatai (Te Āti Awa, Kuki Ārani) first joined Aukaha in a role supporting our operations and finance team. Raised in a creative whānau, Riani was naturally drawn to incorporating design aspects into her mahi.

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Transpower Tohu Whenua Unveiling

Te Ara o Kōpūwai

An intriguing mana whenua narrative of Kōpūwai, a giant tipua (ogre) with a pack of two headed dogs, now overlooks the Ida Valley in the form of a tohu whenua (land marker), thanks to a partnership between Transpower and mana whenua ki Āraiteuru.

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Screenshot 2023 12 08 At 11.29.27

The Ōtepoti Narrative Wānaka Series

Visiting places and stories of significance in Ōtepoti-Dunedin

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Screenshot 2023 11 15 At 14.38.32

Rakatahi of Aukaha: Makareta Wesley-Evans

Raised and nurtured on her ancestral pā at Ōtākou, Makareta Wesley-Evans is fuelled by her passion and deep connection to her tūrakawaewae. After starting at Aukaha in 2022, she has found a place in our Mana Taiao team, helping to strengthen their commitment to reflect local hapū aspirations in planning processes and decisions.

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