Team growth reflects importance of mahi

The recent growth of our Mana Taiao team is a reflection of the importance of what they do. Work related to resource consents is fundamental to everything Aukaha does – in fact, it's where we started.

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CEO Blog June 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, it’s hard to believe that we are almost halfway through 2023 already. It has been a whirlwind of activity here at Aukaha, as we continue to advocate for the rights and interests of manawhenua in environmental and resource management. The Mana Taiao team recently took a day out of their busy team schedule to focus on their strategic direction for the next 12 to 18 months. This was an opportunity to look at where we are now, where we have come from, and to plan our priorities for the next 12-18 months.

Introducing the new-look Consents and Enquiries Team

Two years ago, there was one person in Mana Taiao dedicated to Consents and Enquiries. Now with the recruitment of new staff, we have three Mana Taiao team members in this area, with recruitment for a fourth role coming up soon.

This very much reflects the importance of this area of work. Work related to resource consents is fundamental to everything we do – it’s where Aukaha started in fact. Given the importance of this workstream, we’re delighted to welcome Pam Walker as our new Senior Planner, Consents. Pam will provide leadership for the Consents team, working with our new Consents Officers, Mereana Goodman and Makareta Wesley-Evans.


Pam brings significant experience as a Planner, having worked in local government and as a private consultant. Pam grew up in Palmerston North, however, her family connections to Otago are strong, her parents having come from Beaumont and Lawrence. Scottish ancestry features strongly in her whakapapa, but there is also a link to iwi Māori through her maternal line, with ancestry to Ngāti Toa and Ngāti Raukawa. Pam is still exploring these links, having not grown up with a connection to her tūrakawaewae.

A significant focus of Pam’s role will be to provide support and guidance for our two new Consents Officers, to grow their skills, passion, and experience so that the sustainability crucial workstream is protected for the future.

Further recruitment is crucial to build capacity with the Mana Taiao team. We have two employment opportunities coming up that will enhance our ability to advance the aspirations and intentions of Rūnaka.

We are seeking a Kaipūtaiao (Environmental Scientist) to lead our work in water and waste management. Until now, we’ve had one of our planners covering this area but with increasing government changes and a high volume of technical information coming our way, we need a person who can review and understand the growing number of technical documents.

With our Consents and Enquiries team working harder than ever, we will soon be recruiting for a Kaiwhakamahere Whakaaetaka (Planner – Consents). The role will provide extra resourcing for the Consents and Enquiries Team.

So, it’s exciting times ahead for Mana Taiao, as we build and refine our systems to better deliver the stronger environmental outcomes that we all want to achieve.

Noho ora mai rā koutou,

Nā Rachel Wesley CEO

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